
Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Noose Tightening in Sindh

Noose is fast tightening and the strangest bed fellows are coming close to commingle. Political landscape seems to be in a rapid peel-off mode unfolding more drama everyday. Bruit or substance, heaps of evidence are piling up against MQM. Already deranged Altaf is more perturbed. With most of front men under the fist of defence establishment, 'Widower Bhutto' and 'Adi' have flown to Dubai. Whilst the Karachi cauldron is boiling at fullest, Nawaz is rudderless as usual. In a show of brandishing the firearms, Army is affirming the resolve to rid the unwanted as per "Raheel resolve". Given the exceptional agitational capabilities of MQM and PPP, mishandling can lead to nightmarish unrest in Sindh. In the hindsight, need I say more or you can feel : "Winter is coming"

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